Both Doug and Jet are self-proclaimed romantic softies, so of course their engagement had to happen in Rome, in front of the Trevi Fountain, with everyone around them clapping and cheering, as if straight out of a movie. And of course their trip would continue to Florence, where they would have a celebration dinner at a chateau in the hills.
Doug and Jet met at a dance club in San Francisco. What was assumed by both of them to be a casual, most likely one-time, date turned into the relationship of their lives, leading them to make it all official with a wedding at The Fairmont in San Francisco in front of 120 people. Clearly, when these guys commit to something, they go all out.
Their celebration was an elegant affair in the beautiful, iconic Fairmont ballroom with all the tears, laughter and fantastic dance moves you’d hope to see at a wedding. We were so happy to have front-row seats to the first day of the new life these two have embarked on. If their proposal and wedding day are any indication, they’ve got one great adventure ahead of them.
Check out our other LGBTQ wedding photos!