In the tiny Mexican town of Todos Santos, a couple of hours outside Cabo, stands the alluring, dimly lit Hotel California, which locals have long claimed is THE Hotel California, of the famed Eagles song.
Past owners of the hotel say Don Henley stayed there in the 1970s, when you could rent a room and a mattress for $2, and penned the song there. When Jean and Michael hired us for their November wedding, which would take place at the hotel, we were intrigued and dove into Google looking for stories. Sadly, the legend is just a myth, and Don Henley says he has never been to the Hotel California – the song came completely from his imagination.
Regardless, the hotel is captivating as you walk through its lantern-lined, winding corridors, down narrow stairways into fountained courtyards. It’s a truly magical place. Jean and Michael’s ceremony was at a private beachfront home, with the reception at the Hotel California. During the course of four days with this group, we went out with them to the clubs in Cabo, hit the beach with everyone after the wedding and explored the coast of Baja in a rented convertible Jeep. It was a fantastic experience, and, as Jean told us this week, the time of her life.