Sheela first wrote us two years ago – July 17, 2008, to be exact – saying that her wedding probably wouldn’t be for another couple years, but wanted to get more information for “whenever the final date will be.” She was not even engaged at the time, but really into photography, and really in love with her boyfriend, Aaron.
Shortly after Sheela wrote us, Aaron started writing us, asking us general photography questions about cameras and lenses. He was always really nice and polite in his emails, so we helped him out as much as we could. We didn’t know at the time that he was connected to Sheela. Then a couple months later, we posted on our blog that we were looking for a photographer to intern with us. Sheela saw the post first, and urged Aaron to apply, which he did. As soon as we met Aaron, we knew we wanted to work with him. He was just as nice in person as he was in emails, and so he started coming to weddings with us and helping with Photoshop work. Now, Aaron is one of our associate photographers and best friends. That one email from Sheela changed so much about all our lives.
Sheela and Aaron’s wedding date fell almost exactly two years after Sheela’s first email to us, just as she predicted.
For the wedding, Sheela and Aaron decided to have everything in the backyard of Aaron’s parents’ new house. Their families spent three months landscaping the property to get everything ready for the wedding day, and that effort made the wedding feel incredibly intimate, personal and real. It was exactly how Sheela imagined it from the beginning.
Their wedding night was the first night they spent together in their very first apartment. Since then, they have been spending much of their free time shopping for their first couch, first kitchen table, first everything. Not many couples these days get to have a beginning like this. Sheela and Aaron’s marriage is how so many young girls imagine their newlywed lives will be, and we can’t wait to watch their relationship grow for years and years to come.