When someone says they found the “woman of my dreams” or the “man of my dreams,” I wonder, can a person truly conjure the perfect companion for themselves, just in their minds? I am writing today as a sister, whose brother somehow stumbled upon the most angelic person I have ever met. Every time I think of Simone, I see her as the woman of my brother’s dreams. He may never have seen her coming, but when she arrived, everything was suddenly right with the world.
Michael married the woman of his dreams who truly sees the best parts of him: his depth, his quirks, his humor, his sensitivity, his lovable weirdness. He married the sister-in-law of my dreams whose intelligence, kindness and thoughtfulness reaffirms my faith in humanity. She is someone I would seek out as a close friend, brother’s involvement or not. Michael married the aunt of Roxy’s dreams who will always stop what she’s doing to play on the floor or dance to the Trolls soundtrack. He married the daughter-in-law of my parents’ dreams who they’ve watched become the steward and protector of his heart, of his mind, and of his gifts that she sees more clearly than anyone ever has.
Simone entered Michael’s life gradually, in bits and pieces, until it was clear they had found soul mates in one another. They saw a new path before them and decided they were ready to take it. In Michael’s wedding vows, he described suddenly feeling free and clear-headed, once he realized he loved her. I know that feeling well, and it’s all I’ve ever wanted for him.
Simone and Michael love each other for the right reasons. They take care of each other, encourage each other, challenge each other, make each other laugh. Most importantly, they work every day to understand and appreciate each other on a deeper level. They both know from personal experience that happiness is fragile, and precious, and worth fighting for.
They had planned a big wedding on Folly Beach, here in Charleston, in March. Then the pandemic spurred a nationwide lockdown, and weddings everywhere were canceled or postponed. Simone and Michael postponed the big wedding, but still wanted to be officially married on the date they had chosen. So we had a family-only wedding at a friend’s lake house on Lake Murray in Columbia, where vows were exchanged, tears were shed, smiles were huge, and emotional toasts were made. Simone and Michael made dinner for all of us afterward at their home, and we all danced to the Trolls soundtrack.
Simone, we always hoped and dreamed for Michael to find his true partner someday, but you are greater than anything we dared to dream. In this time of uncertainty, it certainly feels good to see something we can believe in.